Quotations on Kapitalismus

zitiert in Ulrich Groothuis, Cornelius Wilp: Niederlage: Jetzt erst recht! WirtschaftsWoche 11.01.2002 zitiert in J. Madeleine Nash, Bruce van Voorst, Alexander L. Taylor III The Growing Bankruptcy Brigade , Time Magazine Oct. 18, 1982 )
Demokratenspiegel. Die Korruption unter der Demokratie Englisch "Capitalism under democracy has a further advantage: its enemies, even when it is attacked, are scattered and weak, and it is usually easily able to array one half of them against the other half, and thus dispose of both.")
Die Juden und Europa. In: Studies in Philosophy and Social Science, Band 8. The Institute of social research, New York 1939, S. 115.
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